In construction...
Written as a concept album, it features 5 tracks of Progressive Metal music, tribal/oriental oriented, including atmospheric parts, instrumental sections and aside electronic ethereal scenes. It lays the foundations for the upcomming full album.
This piece of music may have several levels of interpretation. It deals with lost of illusions, dreams, loved ones, either as a child, an adult, or even a soul in the Hereafter. Keeping a blind hope to reach love and inner peace swathed in the arms of the loved One or Enlightment.
But is it reality ? Was it a regression state ? Might Life and Death be only illusions ?
Intricating story of Life and Death, allegory of Good and Evil, related to bad nature of humankind. It contains lots of references to Ancient Greek mythology and philisophy: death, the hereafter, the Fates (weavers of Destiny), the psychopomp (soul ferryman), judgment to enter Paradise (Elysium or the Elysian Fields) or Kingdom of the Dead (Hades / Persephone), the Soul survives (metempsychosis), the hero and the Tragedy, the theater, the allegory of the Cave, etc.
This piece of music is based in the key of B, with the use of modal music common in Indian music. Indeed, Hindu believe that each person is tuned to a particular sound and if it is chosen as the tonic, music has directly more effect on us.
Many themes are reused, moved, transformed and hidden throughout the songs.
The auditor is plunged into a non-linear stream of unconsciouness between Life and Death. In this uncanny play, he enters an eery stage of a theater of illusions. Notion of time is not linear like in Occident, but more circular as in Japan (Nature cycles) and India (wheel of life, reincarnation).
A brief overview of the project in demo version:
It is a prayer for the Dead, in order to help them pass into the Hereafter and join the Light. One can find references to ancient Greek mythology and philosophy: the Death, the Afterlife, the Fates (weavers of destiny), the psychopomp (soul escort), the Judgment to enter Paradise (Champs Elysees) or Kingdom of the Dead (Hades / Persephone), the soul that survives (metempsychosis), etc ...
At first we hear a dark and gloomy world, it is the arrival in the Kingdom of the Dead and the encounter of the "soul escorter" (Psychopompe). On the way, a choir (as in the theater play of a
Greek tragedy) intones a soothing chant to reassure and accompany the Soul towards the path of Light (it represents the "Prayer" of the living on Earth to appease it). Then it is the arrival at
the Judgment, hence the harmonic tensions and the lugubrious atmosphere.
"Lurking every corner of your Soul..."
Audio : click here
"As I lay dying, scared and alone, this uncanny melody seems closer... Now that cold invades me, I wish I could feel the warmth of your arms around me…"
"The eyes cloaked in a deathly shroud, I plunged into the Melancholy of the Void and Obscurity..."
Devored by Anger, Departed Soul cannot reach the Paradise. Tracked by the Soul Eater, the Nothing awaits...
"What made Life worth living...?"
... ...
... ... "Love..."
"From the bottom of my heart, I hope this soothing prayer will help you to reach Light..."
"I've cried what I left behind, swathed in the arms of Night..."
Epitaph: "Pterophuein eis aiona..."
If you want to plan a gig with Reflections Of Reality contact us on our Facebook page !
Helene Gosset is managing us through Last Pilgrim association.
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